Saturday, 10 April 2021

Significance of Montessori Education in Early Childhood

 What is exactly a Montessori Education?

Montessori Education is a child-centric educational approach that values the human essence and development of the children as a whole together with physical, social, emotional and cognitive development. A magnificent and revolutionary method of teaching and learning introduced by Maria Montessori, which has changed the face of education all across the world and is now in practice for more than a century. Montessori early education method cultivates children’s natural curiosity and emphasizes their independence, individuality, and freedom. 

Who is Maria Montessori?

Dr. Maria Montessori was a fierce Italian woman born on August 31, 1870,  in Chiaravalle, Italy. She was a philosopher, educator, and the first woman to graduate from the University of Rome Medical School. She had traveled the world and attracted many followers with her extensive writings about her approach to education. Following her medical training, she started developing her educational philosophy and methods in the year 1897 while attending pedagogy courses and learning education theories. Maria Montessori believes that a child’s development begins from birth and emphasizes the need for concrete objects to awaken the senses of a child. This practice can now be seen through mainstream educational philosophy and classroom practices. For more detail visit the website:

What is the significance of Montessori Education in Early Childhood?

Montessori Education in early childhood plays a tremendous role in the social, mental and even physical build-up of a child. How? Here are some pointers that will comprehensively explain the significance of Montessori Education. 

Dr. Maria Montessori wrote “The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to the age of six. For that is the time when man's intelligence itself, his greatest implement is being formed. But not only his intelligence; the full totality of his psychological powers… At no other age has the child a greater need of intelligent help, and any obstacle that impedes his creative work will lessen the chance he has of achieving perfection."

Montessori education fosters potential in the kids to become competent, responsible and respectful citizens while appreciating and valuing the idea that learning is for life as they step out in the world. Its significance is:

  • Whole Development of Child- Montessori education is a concept that focuses on the development of the child as a whole, characterwise as well as academically. Allowing the cognitive, physical, creative and socio-emotional growth of the child.

  • A child is valued as a unique individual- Every child has different needs and possesses different interests which are unique to her/her, with Montessori education children are given a free environment where they learn at their own pace with the things they are actually interested in doing with the guidance of a teacher and a personalized learning plan. This enables children to not only learn but develop a love for learning.

  • Develops order, coordination, concentration and independence at an early age- A child has the potential to develop abilities to educate oneself and think about the things he/she is learning. Montessori education supports a child’s emerging self-regulation through classroom designs, materials and daily routines which are offered by KidzVille Learning Centre, a Montessori Preschool in surrey.

  • Creates a supported environment for children- Children become active seekers of knowledge with the supported environment. KidzVille Learning Centre is a Montessori Daycare in surrey which caters to an environment that gives freedom and the right tools to the children which helps them to pursue answers to their own questions.

  • Contribute to freedom within limits- Children work within the parameters set by the teachers, and yet have the freedom to decide their focus of learning. A child’s curiosity is driven by the internal satisfaction of doing something, Kidzville Preschool in Surrey follows the same notion and provides kids learning which is joyful and sustainable. 

Conclusion: Montessori Education is distinctly significant for the early childhood development of children as it not only makes a child academically smart but also constructs social, emotional and physical character. KidzVille Learning Centre offers Montessori education with an open-minded environment for children to learn and grow.

1 comment:

  1. Childcareis a service that tender care and supervision to children of different ages ranging from 6 months to 5 years old or more under one roof. It is a safe and interactive environment for children which is designed accordingly by keeping healthcare and infection protection measures in mind. KidzVille Learning center childcare in surrey provides high-quality child care service and keeps children safe and healthy.


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