Putting a child in daycare is a transition step for parents, mainly for working parents. Since they aren’t available to lift up their child, it is their prime concern to look for a daycare that can help in the growth and development of their little one. Daycare offers long-lasting social, economic, and academic benefits for kids and their parents.
Creative kids’ daycare in Surrey provides an innovative, nurturing, and stimulating environment where children develop independence, confidence, and a positive sense of self and the world around them.
Daycare can be challenging for parents as well as children too, they go through a lot of changes around them, meet a bunch of strangers, spend 3-4 hours with unrecognized faces, and a lot.
Children need an open and comfortable space to grow and learn, let us focus on some key steps;
Meet and Greet: Daycare should organize a meet and greet ceremony to introduce children to their teachers and get a view of their classroom to make them familiar with the place and faces before the first day of preschool.
Prepare some Questions: Your child may hesitate while meeting for the first time with their teacher, to make them comfortable try asking some questions on their behalf.
Some basic things should be clear to children as they have to spend their day in a new place. Some suggested questions can be
What is a typical day like in the daycare?
How many children will sit together in a classroom?
What are the games that children will get to play?
Where is the washroom?
What should the child do if they need the teacher’s assistance?
These are a few questions that you can ask in front of your child to make them comfortable. You can also ask your child if he wants to know something about their daycare.
Set Expectations: Fill your child’s mind with positive affirmations, talk positive and excitedly about their new daycare. Picture an image of their daycare to grow an expectation in your child’s mind, in this way, he won’t be blank on his first day and will feel familiar with the place.
Share your experiences with your child about how your teachers were helpful in school, how many new friends you made, and what toys and games you used to play during your school time.
Adjusting to Daycare: Before starting the first day at a new daycare, make some adjustments to prepare your child for their preschool routine. At least for 1 week wake your child up at the scheduled hour, run his own mini playschool at home, get involved with him in the playing, reading, and learning process to get a little taste of how a typical day will be in daycare.
Make Daycare Drop-offs Quick and Easy: Now this is the most challenging part of a daycare. While drop-offs it is normal for your kids to cry and show tantrums, don’t be distracted by it and focus on all of the benefits for Toddler Daycare in Surrey and how much fun they will have with kids of their age.
Drop Offs can be a hard but crucial moment to make your child self-dependent.
Daycare Lunchtime Surprise: Well this is the most exciting part of the day, even working adults look forward to lunchtime. Giving something exciting and fun in the lunch makes kids look forward to the halftime, they enjoy sharing their food with other children.
Parents need to show some effort and creativity in the lunch box, it can be anything; a sticky note with little drawings or a positive quote written on it, their favorite treat, or maybe some fun lunchtime activity. This will make children feel comfortable and excited about daycare learning.
Montessori Daycare in Surrey believes that every child is a unique individual, every child has potential, and aims to create a culture of mindfulness, kindness, peace, and freedom with responsibility in a carefully prepared & orderly environment.
Daycare can be a bit tough to start for kids but it is immensely appreciative of the amount of knowledge, nurturing, and development it can offer to your little one. For more info visit our site - www.kidzvillelearningcenters.com
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