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It may sound a little drab to hear but games play a very important role in your child’s brain development process. The more your child is included in educational games, the more brain interaction occurs which improves your child’s working process and goes a long way in helping your kid’s development.
Not only do games let children grow physically but also fill them up with a zeal to learn new and innovative means to solve their problems and make effective and immediate decisions.
In the child development process, games and activities play a vital role. Children learn a lot by playing a variety of games. Some are just for fun while some help them to grow and attain knowledge. Parents must take care of the playtime of their kids, really well.
Kidzville Learning Center, a Preschool in Surrey is the perfect platform for you as it will give your children the best of academic skills along with practical and fun activities.
Benefits of Games & Activities in Kids’ development
According to the research, learning via playing is a crucial point of the child development process. Children enjoy playing with their toys and board games, it creates a curiosity in them to know about things and find new ways of solving their problems.
A child’s mind expands just by watching the changes around him and observing the processes going along in his environment during early childhood.
Kidzville Learning Center is the Best kids preschool in Surrey which promotes the growth of a child’s mind through fun methods.
Whether it is believable or not, classic preschool games are a lot more than just fun for children. They are an essential core of the learning process, helping kids bond with their friends, burn off excess energy, and teach kids skills that will help them later in life.
Games that teach Life Skills secretly
To know about how and what games would secretly turn your kids to learn the life skills and morals of living, continue to read the part and you’ll see the learning potential in the games that just seem fun.
There are several brain-enhancing games that help children to improve their decision-making strength. Some of them are:
Duck, Duck, Goose
It’s a perfect game for teaching strategic thinking. In this game, participants sit in a circle, and one child walks around the outside tapping each head in turn and saying “duck.” Eventually, they pick one child to be the “goose” and run around the circle to try to take that child’s place before the “goose” catches them. If they reach the end without getting tagged, the “goose” returns to their own seat and the original player continues around the circle.
This game teaches children to plan ahead and gives them immediate feedback on the quality of their decisions.
Musical Chairs
This game begins with setting chairs in a circle, one fewer than the number of children in the game, and then playing music as kids walk around the circle. Every time the music stops, children must try to sit on a chair. Kids who don’t get a chair are out. Then remove a chair and begin again. Musical Chairs help children learn to deal with the frustration of being out of the game, therefore practicing patience and waiting graciously.
Simon Says
So the game begins with one kid asking their peers to do silly actions by saying “Simon says tap your head” or “Simon Says jump like monkeys.” Then the other kids will do the action—but only as long as the leader adds “Simon says” to their instructions.
Simon Says is an excellent game for helping kids learn to pay close attention to instructions, while also giving them a taste of leadership. It gives them extra motivation to listen closely to the entire set of instructions before getting started.
Row Your Boat
This game is very simple to play, pair children up facing one another with knees bent up in front of them and holding hands. Instruct them to rock back and forth in time to the song “Row, Row, Row Your Boat.” They’ll need to work together and keep an eye on their own movements at all times. It works best to play this game with a CD or a song on YouTube, so you can incorporate a "freeze" element by stopping music abruptly. It helps children become self-aware, focus on auditory cues, and match their physical movements.
Hide and Seek
Everyone is aware of the rules and directions of this game. One person will find the rest of the others who are being hidden at different places. This game helps children enhance their problem-solving skills, explore new options and find a better place to hide and keep their goals on track. This builds spatial awareness, an in-depth assessment approach, and decision-making skills.
In this game, kids draw the hopscotch shape on the sidewalk, then take turns tossing a rock underhand at the hopscotch shape. They then must navigate the hopscotch course while avoiding the square the rock landed on. This game is useful in developing critical thinking skills and planning in a more precise way.
Red Light, Green Light
To play this game, one kid needs to stand facing away at the other side of the field. The goal is to be the first to touch that person, without getting caught moving. When the person is facing away, that’s a green light, and kids can move toward them. When the leader turns around to face the group, that’s a red light, and kids must stop moving. Anyone the leader catches still in motion has to go back to the starting line. To win at Red Light, Green Light, kids need to rein in their impulse to run forward, instead choosing a pace where they can stop instantly if the leader starts to turn. It’s a game of attention, patience, and impulsive decision-making.
Sleeping Lions
In this game, all the children lie down and pretend to be asleep. Then one person walks among the group (without touching anyone, trying to convince kids into reacting and opening their eyes. The last kid to still look like they’re “sleeping” is the winner. It helps kids to learn how to stay focused despite distractions.
Games like these are a great help in making kids learn the life skills that will help them in the future with their studies and other motor development skills. Educational games are a medium to evolve basic senses in your child with ease. As a parent, be wise in choosing the toys for your kid. There are still a lot of educational games on the internet to help your kids develop faster.
Kidzville Learning Center, a preschool in Surrey helps working parents take care of their little ones in a pliable manner by including such games in their curriculum to make the teaching and learning fun for your little ones. For more info please visit on Site -
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